Dedicated to those who are special to us. - Reisverslag uit Wamena, Indonesië van Joëlle Glerum - Dedicated to those who are special to us. - Reisverslag uit Wamena, Indonesië van Joëlle Glerum -

Dedicated to those who are special to us.

Door: Joëlle

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Joëlle

28 Januari 2013 | Indonesië, Wamena

Dear People,

When I came here to Wamena, Papua I knew I would go to people who really believe in god and the bible. By this I don’t want to say ‘Believing is a bad thing’. It is a good thing, it gives you hope.
But I don’t really believe in the whole story of god.
The fact I don’t believe in the same way as they do, doesn’t make us hate each other. It makes you have respect in a certain way. There are some really strict Papuan and some really strict Indonesian believers. For example we were by the river on Saturday the 26th, having a fun day with the teachers. Then one of the Papuans fainted, Pieter straight away checked if he was breathing or something else, while some others immediately started praying. It was the most strange combination I have ever seen.

All my roommates believe, but they all believe in a different way. One of the three really believes very strict. She says ‘God is good, Satan is Bad. If you are sick, Satan took you. Then you have to forgive yourself for being sick and then God will forgive you and will make you better.’ So I asked her what she does when she is sick. She said ‘I will pray towards god all day long’. I was shocked about that answer because when I am sick I am lying in my bed sleeping and being sick.
When I asked the people I am living with if they think about the people who are dead, they all answered no. One of them said after they just died, I will think about them, but after a while we won’t think about them anymore and another one said we will never think about the ones who died because they are with god now. I was surprised about this. Because I do remind the death of my granddad which is already been 12/13 years ago.

So today I lit a candle in my heart for my granddad. So I would like to say ‘I know you are the ‘angel’ protecting me. By saying this I want to dedicate this story or the stories of the 28th/29th/30th to my granddad. <3

And I would like everybody to ask to take a few moments of total silent to think about those who died, or about your friends or family.

‘silent moment’

Thank you.



  • 31 Januari 2013 - 19:20


    Ik ben ook even stil, en zeker voor je opa die ik goed heb gekend! xxx Renata

  • 01 Februari 2013 - 08:06


    Wat een bijzonder verhaal. Ik denk ook af en toe aan jouw opa. Met hem heb ik een paar maal gesproken over onze grote passie: 'de geschiedenis van de middeleeuwen'. In zijn werk en in mijn gedachten leeft hij zeker voort.

  • 03 Februari 2013 - 19:25


    Prachtig, ontroerend, ik denk nog vaak aan opa.

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Hello, Ik ben Joëlle Glerum. Ik ben een zelfstandige & ondernemend persoon. Ik heb in mei 2012 mijn HAVO diploma gehaald. Toen ik 15 jaar was ben ik zelfstandig voor een halfjaar naar Engeland gegaan. Dit jaar (2012/2013) zal ik vrijwilligerswerk gaan doen in het buitenland. Ik hou erg van lekker eten. Verder wielren en squash ik. Ik hou ervan om te lezen en te reizen. In mijn toekomst wil ik iets gaan doen met ontwikkelingswerk of toerisme, of het combineren. Dit jaar zal mij veel duidelijkheid geven over de keuzes voor mijn toekomst. Cya, xx. Joëlle

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